Find the pair

Find the pair

1. Prepare some two-line dialogues with each line on a separate card. 2. Distribute the cards. 3. First student reads the line on his card. ...
Guess who?

Guess who?

1. Give each of your students a piece of paper and ask them to write four facts about themselves. These can be anything they choose, e.g. I ...


1. Write on the board the following: Where they were... What did they do... What happened then...2. Give each pair of students two cards. As...
Erasing words

Erasing words

1. Write on the board about ten words which are difficult to spell, and give the class a minute to 'photograph' them. 2. Point to on...


1. The class is divided in two teams. On the right and left side of the blackboard equal sets of numbers are written. 2. Teacher calls out n...
Tail to head

Tail to head

1. Student A thinks of a word and says it; 2. Student B has to find a word beginning with the last sound of Student A's word, e.g. edge ...
Hidden sentence

Hidden sentence

1. The class is divided in two teams. Each team sends a representative to sit in front of the class.2. Each of them gets a card with a sente...


1. Choose a dialogue consisting of two short sentences expressing disagreement. E.g.: - The answer is no! - But why?2. Allow students to imp...


1. Select a scene and time for a crime say, a bank robbery, at a well-known bank in the middle of town, at 11 o'clock yesterday. 2. Two ...
Lie detector

Lie detector

1. One of the students leaves the classroom. The rest of the class prepares questions to him. 2. When he or she comes in they ask him their ...
Silent story

Silent story

1. A student recalls a story that happened to him. 2. He or she displays it before the class without saying a word. 3. Next student tries to...
My names

My names

1. Using the pattern: I'm / I was / I used to be called... by... when... and tell the students half a dozen names you are or have been k...


1. Ask students to create examples upon these models: Rabbit's tail (part of smth.); Uncle's aunt (possession)2. One student should ...
Silent speech

Silent speech

1. In order to focus on pronunciation and the contribution of mouth movement, list on the board words, which will illustrate the various sou...


1. The class is divided in two teams. One team prepares list of advantages, another - disadvantages.2. Propositions for brainstorming advant...