How to root your phone without pc ?
With our latest posts of rooting we got a great response on facebook group and some users asking how to root micromax canvas 2 a110 without pc. For those who don't own pc so guys don't worry we have sorted out this problem and came up with a solution and the good news is rooting now can be done without pc as well.
We are here to give you some exciting news that it is possible for the users who don't have pc, with just simple click with app you can easily root your android device without pc. Now we are gonna show you how to root micromax canvas 2 a110 running on ics and jellybean both methods step by step
Note - Both the version of the apps are chinese so take a look on the image to proceed.
How to root Android 4.0.4 ics ?
Framaroot - Download
1) Download and install framaroot on your phone
2) Click on Boromir
3) You have to manually reboot the device
4) Check if the superuser app is installed, you have rooted you phone sucessfully.
If your phone is running on jellybean os then use this method, its very easy just with one click root your android phone micromax canvas 2 a110. Lets take a look at this method for only jellybean users.
How to root android 4.1 jellybean ?
Root master - Download
1) Download and install Root Master
2) Click on Mulai Root
3) Click on Root
4) Click on Red Button
4) Click on Red Button
5) Reboot the phone
If this method helped you share this post to yours friends if they also have troubleshoot rooting or they might don't have pc to root.
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