How To Change Or Edit Background Image
Now you can change background image of settings and sd card on your phone now you are wondering what is the big deal changing background wallpaper which is easy well here we are not talking about changing background wallpaper here in this post we will show you how to customize a image which is inside your system's framework folder which cannot be changed easily but by doing this method once, you can set the background image of settings and sd card on your android phone's system.
This Method Only Works For Rooted Phone
First Root your Phone - click here
For This Method
1) Install Root Browser - Download from Playstore
2) Go to system / framework folder / open framework-res.apk / go to res folder / open drawable-nodpi
For Settings Background Replace
background_holo_dark.png Resolution- 640*1146
For Apps And Sd Card Background Replace
background_holo_light.png Resolution- 640*1146
Replace both image with your created image but resolution
should be 640*1146 with png format.
For Custom Roms From Pc This Method
1) Open with winrar and go to ( system )
2) Open folder ( framework )
3) Copy framework-res.apk to desktop or anywhere you like and double click to open
4) Open ( res ) folder
5) Open folder ( drawable-nodpi )
6) For Settings Background Replace
background_holo_dark.png Resolution- 640*1146
For Apps And Sd Card Background Replace
background_holo_light.png Resolution- 640*1146
Replace both image with your created image but resolution
should be 640*1146 with png format.
7) Now copy that framework-res.apk to phone sd card.

8) Open root browser Go to system / framework folder and delete old framework-res.apk and paste your new edited one and set permissions to Owner - (Read / Write) (Group - Read) (Others - Read)
Reboot Phone And Done Background Changed
If you have any question , please comment below
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