How to Hack wi-fi Router

Now day’s wi-fi become well-known in our country..

If you want to break a wi-fi wi-fi wireless router and get finish availability of it you must need to be connected with the wi-fi wi-fi router by wi-fi protection security password..

You must need the wi-fi protection security password to weblink with the wi-fi wi-fi router.. you can ask wi-fi wi-fi router owner to shield you protection password or protect protection security password in your mobile phone or you can Crack wi-fi by those simple method.

Most of broadband online client in our country are using Tp-Link wi-fi wi-fi wireless router router to make wi-fi.. But they set up the wi-fi wi-fi router by challenging setup[Using cable]

So most of them have no idea how to take management of this wi-fi wi-fi router by availability into it.. so if you you’re connected with the wi-fi then you have a probability to take finish management of this wi-fi router..

After getting cost you can-

1.    You can modify the Wi-fi name
2.    You can modify the wi-fi wi-fi router password
3.    You can reboot the router

In one phrase you get the incredibly management permission of the targeted wi-fi wi-fi router..

So let’s began..
So I wish you are already connected with the wi-fi wi-fi router which you wann hack/take management..

Yo can do this process by your Pc or mobile phonee’s conventional browser

Now if you are using a android working program working program mobile phone by using your conventional web-page programming web online browser /Uc Browser go to this address

=> if this doesn’t works go to only works if your targeted wi-fi wi-fi router is a tp-link router

then you will get an pop up to offer username/password of the wi-fi wi-fi router..

in conventional the indication in name & protection security password is

    Customer Name: admin
    protection security password   :admin

If any one set up their wi-fi wi-fi router with elements set up they don’t know about indication in their wi-fi wi-fi router .. so you can get availability by the conventional protection security password  .. Only impressive wi-fi wi-fi router client can modify the conventional paasword

so try with the conventional username/password as admin/admin


after offering this protection security password if you are lucky enough you will get the management choice of the router
control panel

How to alter wi-fi availability protection security password from router:

To modify wi-fi protection security password of the wi-fi wi-fi router go to

Wireless=>Wireless Security then under “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK” you will see wi-fi protection security password of the wi-fi wi-fi router and you can modify it .. After changing the protection security password you need to protect and reboot the wi-fi wi-fi router then it will be effective


  How to alter wi-fi name of the affected router?

You can modify the wi-fi wi-fi wireless router availability name easily from the affected management panel

go to

Wireless=>Wireless Options  and in the place of SSID1 offer the new name .. then protect  and reboot the wi-fi wi-fi router.. then you will get the wi-fi in your new name that you given :p

Yes you can get the finish availability of wi-fi wi-fi router by this simple method!!

NB: Please do not break any one’s wi-fi wi-fi router to harm.. I just allocated this strategy for learning purpose :)

How to secured wi-fi wi-fi router from being hacked[For admins]:

If you set up your wi-fi wi-fi router using wire then you need to know that you can able to make your wi-fi wi-fi router without any wire by generally going to => when you’re conntected to your wifi

login to your cpanel by conventional client name/password : admin/admin

the go to System Tools=>Password from below.. reviews your conventional protection security password first then offer your own new protection security password..

change password

 Then no one can break your wi-fi wi-fi router by this strategy.. but they can do it by impressive strategy 😉
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