By Unknown Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012 4. Speaking Scars 1. Tell the students your scar story. If it is about a scar of yours that is showable, let them see it.2. Invite the group to think of how t...
By Unknown Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012 2. Vocabulary Add a letter 1. Tell the students that they can form new words by adding or curtailing a word, e.g.: mile – smile.2. Ask them to form as many new words a...
By Unknown Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012 1. Grammar numerals Things in common 1. Put students in pairs, tell them to talk to each other and try to find as many things as they can in common with one another in three min...
By Unknown Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012 1. Grammar verbs I remember 1. Tell the students about an accident or an illness, starting most of your sentences with: I remember... ing...2. Put these sentence starte...
By Unknown Senin, 22 Oktober 2012 2. Vocabulary SMS 1. Write a word on the blackboard. 2. Students should write SMS beginning each word with a letter from the word you wrote.
By Unknown Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012 4. Speaking Mime your past 1. Ask students to prepare to do a mime based on some past experience.2. One of the students does the mime, stopping after each action. Ask ...
By Unknown Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012 3. Phonetics On the tape 1. One student goes out of the room.2. The teacher records voices of other students on the tape.3. The student comes into the room and tries...