By Unknown Senin, 16 November 2009 3. Phonetics Follow the intonation 1. Teacher gives out the cards with sentences of different intonation patterns. 2. Students are to pronounce them right.
By Unknown Jumat, 13 November 2009 1. Grammar numerals Team arithmetic 1. The teacher asks arithmetical cross-questioning, e.g. What are seven and four? or What is three times five?2. The first student to answer...
By Unknown Selasa, 21 April 2009 4. Speaking Arguments 1. Divide the class into two even groups and give the topic of the discussion, for example 'Should prisons be abolished?'2. Group A ...
By Unknown Rabu, 15 April 2009 3. Phonetics No mistake! 1. Ask students to enumerate the letters of the alphabet. 2. If a student makes a mistake he or she is out. 3. The game can be played in tea...
By Unknown Jumat, 27 Maret 2009 1. Grammar tenses verbs Oh! 1. Give the students a series of exclamations ('Oh!', 'Ah!', 'Great!', etc.), and ask them what they think has just ...
By Unknown Kamis, 26 Maret 2009 2. Vocabulary Tennis elbow foot 1. Student A says a word. 2. Within a strict time limit (say three seconds), Student B must say a second word that connects with the first i...
By Unknown Senin, 23 Maret 2009 4. Speaking Express your view 1. Near the beginning of term, tell the students that you want each of them to be ready to talk for exactly four minutes on a subject they c...
By Unknown Jumat, 20 Maret 2009 1. Grammar tenses verbs Proverbs 1. Prepare individual copies of a list of well-known proverbs using the present simple. 2. Read through the list of proverbs with the class,...
By Unknown Rabu, 18 Februari 2009 1. Grammar tenses verbs How often do we do it? 1. Put these lists upon the board: buy - a magazine, a book, a lipstick, a pair of shoes, hi-fi equipment; borrow – money, pens, ideas, clot...