By Unknown Jumat, 29 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs I have been studying here... 1. Ask each student to write in their notebook four to six (true) facts about themselves in the present progressive tense; for example: I am...
By Unknown Kamis, 28 Februari 2008 4. Speaking Wrangling 1. Choose a dialogue consisting of two short sentences expressing disagreement. E.g.: - The answer is no! - But why?2. Allow students to imp...
By Unknown Rabu, 27 Februari 2008 2. Vocabulary Turn out your pockets 1. Ask the students to list some or all of the objects in their handbags/wallets/pockets: ask the class to write their lists clearly.2. When...
By Unknown Selasa, 26 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs Theme music 1. Play the class a recording of classical music, chosen according to your own taste, and tell them this is the theme music of a movie. Can ...
By Unknown Senin, 25 Februari 2008 1. Grammar modals verbs What might you do with it? 1. One or two students stand with their backs to the board; they are the guessers. 2. You write on the board the name of a well-known househ...
By Unknown Jumat, 22 Februari 2008 3. Phonetics Who is the quickest 1. Take a paragraph from a book you study and second hand watch. 2. Ask each student to read the paragraph as quick as possible.
By Unknown Kamis, 21 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs Alibi 1. Select a scene and time for a crime say, a bank robbery, at a well-known bank in the middle of town, at 11 o'clock yesterday. 2. Two ...
By Unknown Rabu, 20 Februari 2008 2. Vocabulary Match the adjectives 1. Write three adjectives on the board, e.g. important, dangerous, heavy. 2. Ask the students to suggest things which could be described by ...
By Unknown Selasa, 19 Februari 2008 1. Grammar verbs Others do it for me 1. Ask students round the class these questions: When? Why? Why not? Do you like to cook for yourself? Do you like to be cooked for? Do you ...
By Unknown Senin, 18 Februari 2008 4. Speaking Lie detector 1. One of the students leaves the classroom. The rest of the class prepares questions to him. 2. When he or she comes in they ask him their ...
By Unknown Jumat, 15 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs Writing as another 1. Put the students into groups of 4 and then ask them to write individually a sentence about something they did in the past, for example as...
By Unknown Kamis, 14 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs What have I been doing? 1. The teacher explains that the students have to guess what the teacher has been doing from a description of his appearance. The activity i...
By Unknown Jumat, 08 Februari 2008 2. Vocabulary How many things can you think of that...? 1. In groups, students try to think of and note down as many things as they can that fit a given definition and that they know in English. F...
By Unknown Kamis, 07 Februari 2008 4. Speaking How are you really? 1. Explain that student doesn’t learn anything from conventional exchange, as: "How are you? - Fine." 2. Ask them to rate their st...
By Unknown Selasa, 05 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs Cooperative story 1. Give each student a large blank sheet of paper, and the title of a story, which should include the names of a hero and heroine - say Clif...
By Unknown Senin, 04 Februari 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs Draw and describe 1. Silently draw a simple picture of a small house in the centre of the blackboard. Pass the chalk to a student, and indicate that they shou...
By Unknown Jumat, 01 Februari 2008 4. Speaking Silent story 1. A student recalls a story that happened to him. 2. He or she displays it before the class without saying a word. 3. Next student tries to...