By Unknown Kamis, 22 November 2012 1. Grammar sequence of tenses I didn’t know that last week 1. Ask the students to remember the events of last week. 2. Tell them to write down the things they didn’t know that were at that moment, wo...
By Unknown Jumat, 16 November 2012 4. Speaking New rules 1. Divide the class in groups of four. Each group is to create a rule to be followed in their conversation, e.g.: Nobody is allowed to speak...
By Unknown Minggu, 11 November 2012 1. Grammar verbs Finishing conditional sentences 1. Give a sentence using the first conditional, describing one of a number of possible variations, preferably based on personal taste. For e...
By Unknown Rabu, 07 November 2012 2. Vocabulary Random dictionary 1. You need an English monolingual dictionary. You ask the students to call out any number which falls between the first and last page (e.g...