By Unknown Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008 1. Grammar adjectives nouns Adjectives and nouns 1. Students suggest adjective-noun phrases, for example, 'a black cat', 'an expert doctor', etc. Contribute some yourself. A...
By Unknown Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008 1. Grammar tenses verbs What am I doing? 1. Tell the students that you are going to imagine yourself being somewhere else and doing something else. 2. Students try to guess, e.g. Yo...
By Unknown Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008 1. Grammar modals verbs Sensory styles 1. Write down on the blackboard: 0 = can't at all; 1 = hardly; 2 = pretty good; 3 = easily.2. Tell the students that you are going to te...
By Unknown Senin, 27 Oktober 2008 4. Speaking Guess who? 1. Give each of your students a piece of paper and ask them to write four facts about themselves. These can be anything they choose, e.g. I ...
By Unknown Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008 2. Vocabulary Words my neighbor knows 1. Divide the class into pairs. The partners must not communicate at this stage.2. Ask each student to write a list of ten words which their...
By Unknown 08.16 1. Grammar tenses verbs Guessing mimes 1. Teacher tells a student a simple instruction, for example: You are watching tennis,2. The student mimes this. The teacher then asks a ser...
By Unknown Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008 2. Vocabulary Turn out somebody's pockets 1. Ask each student to list the contents of the pockets or handbag of an imaginary person: they should list 10-12 objects.2. Get them to exc...
By Unknown Senin, 20 Oktober 2008 3. Phonetics What letter is after 1. Divide the students in two teams.2. Ask each team questions like: What is the letter before Z or What is the letter after I?3. The team t...